The Importance of Regular Exams and Hygiene Appointments

In our modern and hectic lives, many of us put health at the bottom of our priority list. Between all the things that vy for our attention throughout our daily lives, be it our children, work, studies, friends, or family, we often put our own well-being last. Dental health is definitely at the very bottom of that list. But at we think you should pay more attention to your dental health and here is why.

A lot of people think “Well I’m not in any pain, so I don’t need to see a dentist”. The problem with this is that dental issues, simliar to serious medical issues, often go undetected until something catastrophic happens.

Think about a car that is not serviced every year. “Well I’ve been driving it for years and I’ve never had any problems” you might think and then BAM suddenly everything goes wrong and those unexpected costs eat into your holiday fund for the year. Or do you want to be that person who is stuck in the middle lane of the freeway in peak hour traffic during home time and you’re wondering “How did this happen? Why me?” Who needs that stress? The inconvenience of the repairs, lack of personal transport and the wild fees could have been avoided with regular servicing.

Back to your teeth. Its not a matter of IF you will encounter dental problems, it’s a matter of when.

We see this daily where people call us in a panic about some tooth related problem or tooth pain and they urgently need an appointment (which isn’t always possible) or they need to take time off work because they couldn’t get an appointment that fits into their schedule (we’ll talk about the importance of booking your appointments early to control your schedule another time).

We believe that regular exams and hygiene appointments with your dentist, even when there aren’t any signs of urgency, is an absolute must to avoid that “catastrophic” dental event in your life.

In the case of dental health, many problems are preventable. Make time to see your dentist, at least for the peace of mind that all is well with your mouth. Future you will thank you for maintaining a healthy, bright and fresh smile.

If you are looking for a dental team that is personable and passionate in preventitive care, contact us at Dianella Family Dental. We look forward to getting to know you.


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